A Permanent Tooth Replacement Option

If you’re looking for a permanent solution to your dental problems, you’ve come to the right place! When beginning to research a permanent full mouth solution, many patients are faced with the decision of receiving a denture or undergoing dental implant surgery. Instantly, you may lean towards a denture because it seems less invasive. However, after considering the options, it is clear that TRUETEETH is the premier tooth replacement option.

At first glance, False Teeth, or Dentures, seem to be a simple solution that many patients think will solve their problems indefinitely. However, while dentures are generally considered a good option and are economically appealing, they do come with many disadvantages. They can slip out of place while eating, cause irritation and even limit your diet. Most dentures require adhesive to stay in place and do nothing to preserve your jaw bone. The longer you function with false teeth the more likely you are to continually lose bone and therefore your dentures get more and more loose.

TRUETEETH, on the other hand, uses at least four dental implants to secure a natural looking, functioning bridge of teeth. Both the implants and your new teeth will be placed on the same day, eliminating the need for multiple surgeries or extended healing times. The dental implants will integrate into your jaw bone which stimulates bone retention and will keep your teeth in place. In addition, your TRUETEETH smile will function as closely to your natural teeth as possible.  You will be able to eat a normal diet and chew your food completely, thereby helping your digestive system fully absorb the nutrients it needs.

TRUETEETH is the longest-lasting, most natural looking and highest functioning teeth replacement method available. Contact us for more information or to schedule your free consultation today!


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