Anesthesia Options

After your consultation, and reviewing your treatment TRUETEETH treatment plan, you will have appointments with your restorative dentist to design your smile. Once your prosthetic design is finalized, you will meet back with your oral surgeon and go through anesthesia options for your TRUETEETH procedure. All surgical procedures seem intimidating at first but our board certified specialists will talk you through the procedure and help you feel at ease. There are a variety of anesthesia options offered to best suit your needs and make you feel comfortable throughout your treatment.

Our board certified specialists are highly trained and certified to administer anesthesia. When necessary, our surgeons will utilize board certified anesthesiologists to provide anesthesia for your TRUETEETH procedure. On a case by case basis, our Anesthesiologist will specifically tailor your anesthetic care to ensure the most comfortable and safe outcome. There are three types of anesthesia commonly used in oral surgery: local anesthesia, nitrous oxide, and intravenous sedation.

Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia, like lidocaine or septocaine, is a numbing anesthetic that is injected directly into the site of treatment. This medicine will numb your teeth and gums to prevent you from feeling any pain. You will remain conscious during the procedure and will feel pressure from time to time but no pain.

Local Anesthesia with Nitrous Oxide

The next step up from local anesthesia is the addition of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas. A nose piece will be placed on you so you can breathe in a combination of nitrous oxide and oxygen. These gases will put you at ease and make you feel relaxed. Also, the vasodilation properties of nitrous will open your airway and blood vessels leading to better circulation, increased blood flow and lower blood pressure. Once you are feeling relaxed, you will receive local anesthesia to numb the area and prevent you from feeling any pain. You will remain conscious during the procedure but the addition of the nitrous oxide will ensure you don’t feel pain or pressure. When the procedure is completed, your nose piece will be removed and you will feel back to normal in no time!

Intravenous Sedation

Often referred to as ‘Twilight Sedation,’ intravenous sedation involves the placement of an IV so the medication can be administered through a vein. You will be breathing on your own and your vitals will be monitored for the duration of the procedure up until you are awake and functioning. With IV sedation, you will not feel any pain or pressure and you come out of anesthesia very quickly. You may feel groggy or tired when the sedation wears off, but you will not remember a thing about your procedure. This anesthesia option provides the most comfortable experience and is perfect for patients with dental anxieties or fears.

If you have any questions or would like to review your anesthesia options please call one of our offices today!


A Reason to Smile!


The Importance of Oral Health